Bootstrap Add Clear

bootstrap-add-clear adds a clear button to your text fields that quickly clears out the contents.

Getting Started

How you acquire bootstrap-add-clear is up to you.


Install with Bower:
bower install bootstrap-add-clear


Install with NPM:
npm install bootstrap-add-clear
If you are using browserify to bundle, you will have to expose jQuery globally: entry.js
var $ = require('jquery');
global.jQuery = $;


Clone the boostrap-add-clear repository:
git clone

Direct Download

Note: bootstrap-add-clear has a dependency on jquery 1.8+ and Bootstrap 3

Available Options

Option Type Default Description
closeSymbol string You can clear out the symbol class and instead use a character like '✖'
symbolClass string glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle The symbol class to assign to the floating div
wrapperClass string This element wraps the entire input, you can assign a class to help with formatting
top number 0 By default the symbol is centered, this numberof pixels can offset it up and down
right number 0 By default the symbol is centered, this number of pixels can offset it left and right
returnFocus boolean true If true, focus will return to the text box after clearing
showOnLoad boolean false If true, show the symbol when the script loads
clearOnEscape boolean true If true, clear the text box contents when the escape button is pressed
hideOnBlur boolean false If true, hide the symbol when focus is lost from the text box
zindex number 100 The zindex to apply to the symbol
onClear function false Function callback that runs when the text box is cleared. Clearing can occur from either clicking the symbol or pressing the escape key if clearOnEscape is set to true



bootstrap-add-clear will make a text box behave like this:

Example Code


Event Handler

The onClear event is triggered whenever the 'x' is clicked or the ESC button is pressed.

Example Code

  onClear: function(){
	alert("Input Cleared!");

Custom icon

It's easy to use other iconic fonts or images instead of glyphicons.

Example Code

	symbolClass: "fa fa-times-circle"